I think Pilly could be both but Bilma I’m pretty sure that is a female
I have a neightbour that is female and it´s called pilly but it can also be called polly but I don´t like it to much because it don´t have illy like the other names
Okay, so let’s see what opines the other members of this community
You think that Pilly is…
- Male
- Female
- Can be both
0 voters
I think that it can be both but mostly a male but let me know your opinion!
Maybee i have get confused with the spanish Pili name
But anyways, let me know what do you think
in the og gs, there was a giant goat, which was a whale. there should be another one that can be like billy
Hitchhiker goat?
No the one that actually makes you a whale
“Giant Goat”
Tbh i need an evil billy arc for a mini DLC
I’m pretty sure on mobile the whale is called hitchhiker goat unless that’s a different one
Well on console Hitchhiker Goat has a towel with 42 written in it on its back (referencing Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy) that summons whales from the sky
Yea that´s true
Well maybe that’s why I got confused with the being a whale and spawning a whale
Yeah But When You Free Him Where Does He Go ?
He’s in the whale that eats you, with a whole family!
He disappears under the map I think. I think I saw him once while I was partying down there vibing
He’s so cute