PS5 multiplayer issues

Hello peeps,
We know some of you have had issues with multiplayer on PS5 and we’re looking into it (and have been doing so the entire weekend).

During our troubleshooting, we found that the no.1 reason for the problem is that players have not enabled port forwarding on the router for the PS5. If you and your friends have enabled it, and it still doesn’t work, let us know in this thread.

Please describe what is happening as explicitly as you can and if you’re getting any error codes. The more information we can get, the more quickly we can find the source of the problem.
This is for PS5 users only. If you’re on PC/Xbox, don’t reply in this thread. We’re gonna make a separate topic for you if needed.


My friend and i got exact the Same issues.
When i Join him sometimes the Game Show His Goat in the title Screen Sometimes Not. It doestn mater that he is in Game or not. Except that the First try to Join His Lobby when we startet the Game new, I stay im his Lobby until He Start the Game. The time until i get kickt out from the Lobby variates from 3-15 Seconds.


How about the fact that discs won’t even load on our PS5?

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I’ve got the same issue. Me and my son are unable to connect to game without getting “Lost connection to the party host”.

We are both on the same network so port forwarding won’t help. I bought the game on launch day and it was working fine then, so something is affecting the connection after this.


What router are people using to play? I am using a Virgin Hub 5 if that helps


finally fix the multiplayer, we are going to the lobby normally and after loading the level “communication with the organizer is lost”

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some people dont have access to port forwarding, like me and my friends are all using mobile hotspot and dont want to go through the big hassle of contacting the ppl on that end and id rather not use 3rd party apps for it. Same issues, whenever we try to join each other we get thrown out of the lobbies without any error codes or such, i did see that before it throws someone out i see the lobby player count (that shows after players names) go to 5/4 even though theres only 2 of us.

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You must use the same hotspot then

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im afraid thats not possible, 100km between us. its lucky if mobile hotspots even support internet sharing further than 100m away

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Finally my friend and I are able to play together. Just enabling port forwarding wasn’t enough. I searched in the internet the main TCP Ports for GS3 PS5 and enabled them on my router directly on my Console and gave this Ports full access. Then it finally worked.
So in my opinion the game’s multiplayer should work without the extra steps, like every other game too.

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Hey Goats,
as you know there are problems with multiplayer on the PS5

We have already tried the proposed solutions from the forum regarding port release.
unfortunately the problem persists.
is there any information about an upcoming update for this problem?
We pay the Full Price and become a half Game :frowning:


This honestly should not be a port issue, if any other multiplayer game you run is fine. They poorly coded the ability to play with multiple people. From what ive been reading they dont seem to take response-ablity for this issue, its been 2 straight months no update for an actual fix. if you cant take critics your in the wrong industry. Dont tell us its our router that is the issue when your game is the only one with this problem.
CD Projekt Red had bigger issues with cyberpunk you know what they did they took response-ablity can your team pick up the ball or not? I do know they will delete this but someone needs to say something


I’ve given up on this. With no real incentive for them to fix this there’s little chance it ever gets done. I tried contacting Sony for a refund since I’m not able to access the entire game but that wound up being a waste of time.

If there’s another goat sim I’ll wait for a sale. Which is something I wish I had done here.


Hey, thank you for your patience, and apologies to everyone who’s having this issue.
We’re currently working on a bug that is causing an issue for some people when they’re trying to play multiplayer.


To be fair, the team behind cyber punk was significantly larger, and the team has been on holiday recently. Also not sure why you think they will delete that as they never have before and they have taken criticism so I’m not sure where you got that idea from. I understand your frustration but the devs are obviously fixing this issue as fast as they can. It’s not a super easy thing to fix. Claiming that they aren’t taking responsibility is simply wrong as you don’t work there you don’t know what they are doing. Remember that they aren’t the largest team and don’t work constantly. Also multiplayer overall works perfectly on Xbox and PC. I understand that it’s annoying and maybe the devs could be addressing the progress on it more but I’m not sure what they would say other than that they are working on it. Just hang in there, it’ll be out as soon as possible. Not trying to start any kind of argument or anything, just adding some insight.


Hi, it’s been a while now and we have released several updates and patches.
Have you been able to play MP without any issues?


My buddy and I tried a week or so ago and no, we still haven’t been able to get multiplayer to work. I can get him to drop into the menu screen but after maybe 15-20 seconds his character flies upward and off the screen, booting him out. Happens if I invite him or he tries joining.


2025 and the problem remains