Easter eggs out of bounds on intro scene (Gs3 Multiverses)

I went out of bounds to see what I could find… Here’s what I found… lol

  1. Surfing scientist

  2. The farmer in a suit… Possible hint for the next dlc…? Or maybe just something funny

  3. A lonely scientist on a pipe

  4. {No data found}

  5. The giant pigeon…?

  6. Small area with toon houses

  7. The map


How’d you get out of bounds?
Also I think the farmer in a suit may be a reference to the Hitman DLC idea they had

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I used the little helicopter back gear to get onto the beam in which the gondola lift moves, then I just walked back and explored,

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I’ll give you a hint, it’s where the lonely scientist on a pipe is


Fascinating, i haven’t explored the intro area cuz i was planing on exploring the minigverse, looks like my plans have changed


iv’e explored some more and next to where the farmer is in picture 2 there is the Black Meze Restaurant with yet another farmer, also isn’t it weird that the science man that orders us to activate the machine sound like the farmer and accidentally says to open the DLC and then corects himself? the plot twist was revealed from the beginning!
Also, to find more stuff and go into the many secret rooms(yes there are) i advice you o use the galaxy horns to fly around and the lyre horns to make paltforms to get clouse to vertical walls then use the faint emote to noclip into the rooms. I gotta go now, Coffee Stain North might be after me


the whole intro of the DLC is a reference to Half-Life, and thus the Farmer in a suit is a reference to the G-Man from Half-life


What’s the “black meze restaurant”? Also, I’ve explored the intro area and I haven’t seen any secret rooms yet, but idk, maybe I just didn’t look hard enough. You could probably document anything new you discover so you can re-visit those areas if needed,

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A reference to half life, as half life is set in a place called “black mesa”


In the very beggining of the intro it says “welcome to Black Meze restaurant and research facility”. Outside the walls of the first area where the restaurant is(where many science men walk) there are some empty rooms, just behinde the restaurant(restaurant being a copy of Vertical Slice)

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