Just a normal Friday

So i kinda went to space today…
The whole playable map is inside a large sphere,a collision box that, when touched , teleports the palyer back on the map.So you can go trough the sphere by flying with the UFO, since it’s not the player. I flew with the UFO and reached the highest UFO outside the box. Then with the gear that spawns cars i spawned a bicycle then VERY quickly i shot it with an firework from the firework launcher then VERY quickly i started riding it.Doing so i flew whole kilometers upwords then exited the bike, changed from Pilgor to the Farmer, made a platform then with the Daredevill helmet i flew to the platform and made the first ever space station.I repeated the cycle 3 times untill i got to the limit of around 10km where on the last platform i made a forest and some snowmen to inhabit the area.From up there i noticed some thing: At some km up in the sky objects and NPCs fal trough the constructs of the Fammer but thankfully cars fall trough only if you headbut them. At around 2km upwords the water disapears and it is replaced with a brown void, more exactly a brown octagon, yup, the map is ontop of an octagonand withing it there are 12 more big islands that sadly are fake and you can not walk or stay on them, you just phase straigh trough them. On the octogon there is that large sphere and within the sphere is San Angora.
I know this might be the largest topic ever but man, i went to Fing space!


Would you possibly be able to re create what you described and provide images?

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Idk how but trust me bro

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Don’t worry I have you beat for longest topic lol

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I mean you won by default!

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