The Pilgor’s Prototypes winners were announced about 10 months ago, as well as the Vehicle Update were being worked on in the “future of goat simulator 3 video”. No one has said anything about them yet, if a DEV or anyone else that is reading this that knows please say when they are going to being added, or how close they are to being done, we have been waiting a while now for any news.
I agree! When is this going to happen! Also what is the vehicle update?
Henlo, we apologize for not giving you any updates about this. The gear competition winning gears got delayed, but it’s not canceled in any way. They will come out soon, hang in there.
The vehicle update is on ice atm, and we’re not sure when or if it will come out
Ok, thanks for letting me know they are still coming out at some point, and are not going to be canceled, I know everyone at Coffee Stain and the team is working on other stuff such as Goat Simulator Remastered, other updates and patches so I understand you can forget to give news sometimes, any ways I appreciate you responding to mine and other people’s questions and not letting us down!
Take you’re time guys, working on so many things at once and making all of them better than anything now days is just mindblowing! keep the good work going,we’ll be waiting years patiently!
You guys really are the sweetest, thank you for the patience and kind words
Talking to you too @ViperVenomShark
Now people. This really shows that Coffee Stain ACTUALLY cares about their fans. We had questions they said sorry and had answers. I love how good Coffee Stain is at connecting with their fans.
I love you coffee stain you made one of my ideas thanks and i agree that games take time to make you forget about me ??? I also is a sweet person And i love the puppet goat so i have a idea as a future secret area in san angora with 4 new bosses in a deep fur and scales update in deep sea these are all unlockable goats after defeating:loch ness goat infurnity is a goat with sharp teeth and loch ness monster tail just copy the tail from the actual loch ness monster!!! furnscale are evil mermaid goats with claws and cubeoctodile
and your supossed to be your helpers are deep sea reporter that is a mermaid goat and tony shark and the mini enemies that are not bosses are eletric snakes
(board game) mecanics these are all ideas not too hard to great developers like you pilgor
now i like coffee when i was smaller i didnt like and ask people why coffee is so good and coffee tastes so great and make energy too