Trial of the Brain bug?

Im doing the trial of the brain and when i got to the mastermind puzzle its bugged out i think. All of the balls under the no look case are all black and the pegs on the left hand side arent helping. Am i just dumb or is this an actual bug?

Did you get it working?
I’m playing on PS5. Have closed and restarted the game, and the lights are still all grey. Trying to guess the pin colours, but getting absolutely nowhere :smiling_face_with_tear:

Unfortunately not, i tried for almost 3 hours and i couldn’t get anywhere.

I am also having this issue and posted a screenshot for reference. I hope it gets fixed soon. I’m really enjoying this DLC!

I tried for hours, even tried writing down successful pegs but every time it resets it starts a new layout so you cant write them down. I literally can not finish the dlc as i cant get the stone locked behind this broken puzzle.

I also have the issue but i have a anwser its always from the no look side right
2 the same pegs other side differt pegs i hope this helps it can that its example : yellow green yellow yellow

i have zero clue what you just said. can you please explain differently.