PS5 updates delayed

Am I the only one noticing PS5 content/patch updates are getting less and less frequent since the mobile version is now taking up all of their attention at Coffee Stain? The last patch from early december was pretty large in size over 800MB but did not see any new content so not sure what that was exactly.


Hey there, I’m assuming you are referring to content updates and not bug fixes. Coffee Stain North is hard at work on both the next update and the games first DLC but game dev takes time and they got back from winter holidays not too long ago. It is worth noting Coffee Stain North does not directly develop the mobile versions of the game, but rather Coffee Stain Malmö and Piktiv which are part of the Coffee Stain Family. As far as I am aware development of the mobile versions has little to no impact on the speed of development of everything else.

Also if you ever want to see the changes made in updates you can check the patch notes on the official website (found here)

If you have further questions let me know :goat: