It seems like after a recent update a lot of people have lost their progress in the game including me. For me it happened on the pc version and I have yet to see Coffee Stain North respond to anyone who has reported about this problem. I really wish I could get some kind of information about this. Even a confirmation that they are aware of the problem and will try to do something about it.
After which update? I don’t have such a problem
I’m not sure cause the last time I played was during the Easter event. It did not happen to everyone but still to a lot of people. I recommend making a backup of your save just in case.
Yeah I lost all my progress a while ago
But that wasn’t because of the glitch, right?
What glitch?
There seems to be a glitch on pc which deletes people’s save progress
Dang I was not aware of that. I guess it could have happened because of that as well. Has Coffee Stain North addressed this anywhere and Is there any known fixes?
Not yet but hopefully soon
It happened to me 8 times last week lol
Booted up the game yesterday to check out the april fools event and finally a year later Epic Games found an old GS3 cloud save and I was able to regain all of my old data. (At least I have not noticed anything missing yet). Thought I’d share this here as well.
Nice! Hopefully the same is happening to others
I did notice after playing for a while that I’m still missing everything that I did in the Easter update last year but thankfully I didn’t do much.
I lost my save file after the 2022 Easter update and got it back in the next Easter update. I feel like the save corruption is somehow connected to updates (at least in my case).
Oof, I meant 2023. The game wasn’t released until 2022 winter. :DD