Hi I would like to ask if coffee stain north will make more funny games like goat simulator
Maybe, but for now they are working on goat simulator 3
Ok thanks
Hi what type of funny games are you refering to? cause I think they will make more but as he said for now on they are working on Goat Simulator 3
I would just be content to get more Goat Simulator games. Goat Simulator is already the goat of its genre.
But I would play another comedy sandbox game from Coffee Stain if they had any other ideas.
I always asked why goat simulator doesn´t have goat simulator 2 and they skipped it.
Why have they passed from goat simulator from 1 to 3?
Ok and thanks
for what? I only asked a question, can you answer, please
Well I think they said it was a joke but The thing it is that I would like to make more funny games not of goat sim and introduce them in nintendo that will be perfect or that they only put goat sim 3 in nintendo
I also want to do the same thing. The thing is that they would acept us😉and our ideas.
Maybe we could work together, if you like my idea:yum:
In what region do you live in?
In spain but I know how to talk English maybee we could talk in this chat
Actually, we can make a private chat, if you agree
Yea I love that idea
Hiya! I know a few games like goat sim !
- Untitled Goose Game
- Deeeer Simulator
- Bar Fight Simulator
- Cooking Simulator and Cooking Simulator VR
Also 3 and 4 I got from a YouTuber called Daz games. Idk if any of you are Britishas I am but he plays some really funny games like goat sim and he actually played goat sim 1.
Hope that helps
imagine if the next goat sim game is goat sim 2 remastered, the joke being that gs2 isn’t a thing.
I’ve beaten untitled goose game 100% btw.
That’s nice!
jus got goat sim 3. very cool