Is Multiverse Of Nonsense playable on XBox Cloud?

Is Multiverse Of Nonsense playable on XBox Cloud on XBox One?

I’m asking because base version of Goat Simulator 3 is playable only via XBox Cloud on XBox One. There is no other option to play it on XBox One - you can’t install it on that generation.

I was not playing any DLC on XBox Cloud yet, so I want to get any confirmation, that it will work, before I will buy DLC.

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DLC is working fine on XBox Cloud on XBox One.

Based on info founded in internet about other games DLCs, I have bought it and DLC was immediately unblocked and available, when I have open game.

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FYI I have tested it also on Amazon Firestick XBox Cloud and it was working exactly the same good like on XBox One XBox Cloud.