Multiverse DLC Share Xbox

I have 3 Xbox and Xbox family. On every game if I buy the game and DLC it is available on the home Xbox and my other kid can play signed in as themselves if they sign me in too. The Multiverse DLC is not working on the account that is signed in with me on the non home Xbox.

Please fix ASAP so both of my kids can play.

Is the Xbox you are referring to set as your home Xbox? It’s a bit hard to tell based on your wording

It is not the home Xbox. It works on that one. Every other DLC works on the non home Xbox of the user is signed in as them and also as me but this one does not. First game DLC both my kids cannot play at the same time using this method. I have seen posts on reddit about people having the same issue on PS5


Same issue as the original poster. We have 3 xboxs, bought the dlc on each account that has game pass.

But when kids sign into their profile, it’s requesting to be purchased again on each child.


I am having the same problem. I have multiple Xboxes. I have one Xbox already set up as Home, and a secondary Xbox, which I always log in, for my kids to play. They can play all the various games and the DLCs that the games has. The Original Goat Simulator and all the DLC packs work fine. But with this Goat Simulator 3 works fine. but this DLC Multiverse does not work even when I am signed in to a non-home Xbox. It wants me to purchase a DLC for each user. This is rather odd, and I hope this gets resolved to work as intended.


Can confirm we have this too. Purchased on Xbox, no one can use it except me, even if I am logged in and we switch accounts. This isn’t an issue with any other DLC on any other game. I have emailed support twice and not even had an acknowledgement.


I am guessing they will never get this resolved, as they haven’t said anything related to this.


same thing, i tried to see if i could do it differently, like log in with my name then switch, when that happens, the game basically closes out and have to start again… ugh… annoying.


Yep, this is annoying, the kids are nagging me to get it for each of them.


We will ofc take a closer look at this and see if we can find a solution

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This should’ve been fixed with a patch we released. Have you tried it lately after updating the game and see if it works?

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We have not, due to the known issue they always use my name. We will test this weekend.

Thanks for the updates

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We tried this evening and it still doesn’t work. My son has his own Xbox Live account on his console, and I have my account set up on it too. He logs in as me, then switches to his own account and starts GS3. He can play the game but can’t access the DLC. This console is not the primary console for my account. I thought that might have something to do with it, but all other games are fine. He has no issues playing Elden Ring and its DLC with the same configuration.



Thank you for letting us know, we will look into this

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