Hey i'm back! (full of spoilers,you had been warn!)

Sorry for not being active for a long time , but i really whould like to know where douse the farmer boss fight take place. Like when you enter other places , you actually touch colision boxes and get teleported to rooms underground , but with the boss fight you get the loading screen you get from first entering the game , not the one you get from teleporting to underground rooms/boxes . In adition , there are more stages of the fight that take place in other areas to , so i always wondered where the boss fight takes place and how to get there . I found only some small exploits to get some small peeks around the places and outside the boundry , best thing i found out is that the boss fight areas take place in sphears , just like DE_SAND2 . So can anyone help me find this out?


I don’t know where it is, I’ve been trying to find that out too. I will look later but now I have to take my dog to the vets


Pretty sure it’s a whole different level, I’ve explored around it a bit and the loading screen shows that it is probably its own area


Yah , i also thought this…


I thought this as well and still do. But i will use the stilts to see if this is true.

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