Hi there! I´m new at the Forum and I would like to ask to all Goat Simulator 3 fans:blush:, if you fon´ mind, of course:yum:.I would be very exited if ya´ll answer my question.I´m a real Goat Simulator fan, in general. Thanks!
How would you rate Goat Simulator 3? (number, opinion…)
It’s probably a 9.9/10 pretty amazing and really fun, with some more content/DLCs it could most definitely be better than the original which is impressive. Goat Simulator is probably my 5th favorite game franchise ever and it is a great sequel and game in general.
I appreciate!
I also think it´s god, the creators, game structure and coffee stain north.But I´m trying to buy it but I don´t find it, the pre-udder, I mean. Some suggestions would be amazing.
Anyway, thanks for aswering ya´ll, I will take note😎.