Hi there! I would like to see wich is your favourite DLC of all, I you don’t mind
Please, answer as much as you can, thanks
Thanks ya’ll!
- The Vanilla Game
- Goat Simulator Payday
- Goat MMO Simulator
- Goat Simulator Waste of Space
- Goat Z
0 voters
Hi there! I would like to see wich is your favourite DLC of all, I you don’t mind
Please, answer as much as you can, thanks
Thanks ya’ll!
0 voters
Maybe make this a poll? If you do please delete this post to avoid clutter. But if not:
I really like Waste of Space and MMO, the others are really great too but I just had so much fun exploring both of them and just messing around. GOATZ is still a lot of fun as a survival game, although it could use some more polish and balancing. Payday is great, and added drivable cars which are a lot of fun, but I’ve never played a payday game and never really found myself playing it as much as the others. Of course the vanilla game is a 10/10, but it had less variety than the DLC.
I like waste of space the best since it’s in space and I like space, the ship was pretty hard to control but I love the amount of places I can explore.
And of course destroy the entire earth with everyone on it by placing one battery I a thing that seemed to be a satellite dish
Like this, Sorry for causing problems
I think is like this the poll
No worries! Yes that’s the poll
Mmo just because of hiw big it was and the amount of easyer eggs there were 4 secret portals in that dlv
Yeah, I also liked that but I decided going for Waste of Space cause it is amazing and very cool to play with friends though
I’d probably rate the expansions in this order:
I’m quite partial to science fiction and fantasy, so MMO Simulator and Waste of Space were right up my alley. I liked the variety that GoatZ offered. I never played the Payday games, so a lot of the references were lost on me.
if i could like this infinite amount of times i would, but i can only like once this is the perfect kist
i love mmo because it feels like a story game witht he quests and slaying the old goat and of course the MAIDMERS
Omg, thanks y’all for voting!
1: MMO sim, it has many ideas that could be added onto, 2: payday, it is payday, aka, “I NEED A MEDIC BAAAAAAAG!”, 3: wos, don’t really mind it, 4: gz, I hate call of duty.
mmo had a lot of potential like a story and boss fights which are both things gs3 could have done. maybe in a future dlc though
It had multiple bosses in mmo