The first few times I played I could record on OBS and stream on Streamlabs and play the game at max performances without any issues… a few days later the game just suddenly started lagging. At first it was keyboard lags, then sound started freaking out, and now the game just lags like hell and freeze, sometimes freezing all the apps on the computer. I tried so many things that I might forget some but here’s what didn’t fix it.
- Removing my progress
- Creating a completely new world and removing all the other saves
- Deactivating Cloud Save
- Disconnecting from Epic Games
- Dropping everything to lowest setting
- Disconnecting my second monitor
- Making GS3 the only app running on the computer
- Reinstalling the game twice
- Updating drivers and the whole system
- Trying Windowed and Fullscreen
- Messed with every game settings
And for the specs:
- 12th gen i7-12700K
- 32GB or RAM
- GTX 3060
- It’s on an SSD
- Monitor is set at 1920x1080 @ 60
- Running on Windows 11
- I’m playing on Single Player but for cloud save and stuff the connection is 940mbps download 50mbps upload
I’m at a complete loss, I don’t know what else I could try… A freshly restarted computer, reinstalled game and starting from scratch without cloud save on lowest settings with a single 1920x1080@60fps monitor and nothing else running other than services, yet the whole game lags (sound and image) like I was playing on a goddamn potato… Help?