Fun glitches

I was sure other people would know some of these but I can’t really find them online. I find glitches in most video games, for some reason they come naturally to me lol.

So firstly this one is pretty game breaking and can potentially damage your gpu if you have a weak PC and it’s far worse with multiple players doing the same thing.

Dimension Warp.

  1. Get the fireworks launcher.
  2. Lick a vehicle.
  3. Ragdoll.
  4. Rapidly activate and repeat.
  5. Watch as your goat and the vehicle become entangled into several other dimensions while flying randomly around the map until the game respawns you.
  6. Get other players to join in, seriously do it.
  7. Buy a new GPU (…profit).
  8. Alternatively you can do this more consistently with a leafblower to travel around large distances. The fireworks just often leads to more rediculous results.

Fun glitch through floor

  1. Do a front flip on the spot.
  2. Don’t try to land on feet, just hold spin until you’re almost nosediving at the floor.
  3. Headbutt/ram the floor while still holding the spin button.
  4. Get stuck halfway through the floor and release all buttons.
  5. Wait a second. You’ll either get through the floor and out of the map or you’ll sort of just swing around in a comical fasion.
  6. This is extremely funny to do with the giraffe or shark skins and can work with back flips too.

Merge into objects - glitch surfing

  1. Lick a preferably large object.
  2. Walk carefully in a circle until you’re clipped inside it.
  3. Ragdoll to potentially completely merge into the object.
  4. If successful, push directions to flip around and potentially glitch fly or get ejected into orbit.
  5. Try using the leafblower and megaphone combo for some seriously funny results.
  6. Some objects work better than others. The best I’ve found: parasols, tables, car trailers, canoos, farm animal feeding trough.

I will post here more as I remember them.


Another glitch hunter? Salute brother!

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