DLC bug

when I enter the miningverse rift my game crashes, is this fixable? (New edit, the space rift also crashes when i get in :c )


No it isn’t from what I’ve experienced. I’ve had the same thing happen all day, and are you on Xbox as well? Because it just might be a issue on Xbox



We are aware of this issue and we’re working on a solution. Thanks for reporting and sorry for the trouble!


Add me to the bub infected. XBOX fyi. :persevere:

Igual a mi me esta pasando ese mismo problema,ojala lo arreglen pronto.

I’m having this issue as well. I hope they resolve it soon because this section looks fun!

Same issue here on Xbox. Thanks for working on a fix

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My son is also playing on Xbox. We initally encountered this crash upon entering the miningverse rift too. However, since then, every rift we’ve entered so far has immediately crashed the game as well. At this point, its beginning to get a little frustrating as theres a good chunk of the dlc that we cant even play. I understand bugs and glitches happen with games but im really hoping this one gets a fix quickly.

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Please hurry and fix this I have done all the other verses with no problems but the miningverse

There are 3 different courses scattered around Goatroit all can be started with arcade machines. I have also noticed that that guy glitches into the building a lot

I agree, its getting really annoying waiting for this bug to be fixed…

oh! i did not know it was scattered! thank you so so much!

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My son is playing the Multiverse of Nonsense DLC on PC through the Xbox app and is also crashing when trying to enter the Puzzleverse.

Hello, I am experiencing this same issue with miningverse rift crashing as soon as I get in it’s been a trouble with my brother and I we looked forward to complete the game but that part just crashes I’ll be happy too see this bug get fixed in the future and if you can email me to say it’s fixed

Thank you for working on it…I am having the game crash shortly after entering the Miningverse level if playing in split screen. My daughter and I have played most of this game together so would rather not have to do a whole section without her.

Same here on my Xbox Series S, all the other miniverse works except the mining one

this is our highest priority and we are trying to fix it asap!


the bug is fixed for me, thanks a ton!!

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is it fixed?? i’m so excited to try!!

Edited to add that he is now able to enter the Puzzleverse as of 6/24! Thanks for being on top of the bugs, devs! 🫶🏻

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