Capybaras please!

Please add capybaras to goat simulator 3 I currently really like playing goat sim but I would love capybaras in the game. Capybaras are the worlds calmest animal therefore I would like it if they had a special ability which would freeze all npc’s. The capybara should be called calm goat so everyone please I would love them in the game all of my friends love capybaras and they need to be in the game.


Are you one of the weirdos from the discord that just ask for capybaras over and over again

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Bro what’s your problem why not?

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I think it’d be great, but if not, no prob

Maybe in a Dlc someday, would be fun if the did this for april fools and just made every goat and npc capybara


Sorry I didn’t mean to be mean I hope you forgive me I legitimately really want capybaras.


We need people to calm the french
toast down.

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